We all want to look good for our photos, but one question often looms large: What to wear? Many clients ask me what I recommend, what looks best, what should their guy wear, do certain patterns clash, etc... To help clear things up, I offer here a few recommendations about what to wear for your session.
Clashing patterns tend to take away from the face. Since your photo session is more about the people who are taking part, it would be best to stay away from too many patterns.
Go signature. Have a family heirloom locket that your Grandma gave you? Wear it! Have a pair of earrings that your husband bought for you on your first anniversary? Wear 'em! Always have a signature piece. It makes the personality of your photos even more special.
Solid colors work perfectly, but try to add some texture into the mix. Think patterned or textured tights, knit hats, scarves, funky shoes, etc. Texture unifies everything and adds something extra to your outfits without being too plain or too garish.
Clueless about colors? Check out Color Scheme Designer.com to play around with pleasing color combinations. The artist in me is drawn to the Complementary and Triad options, so I recommend going with those.
Props are fun! This is not a clothing suggestion, but it does involve accessories. Fun props like balloons, umbrellas, balls, and pinwheels are a unique way to add to the session experience and bring extra life to your photos.
For children-only portraits, light patterns are great, especially because they tend to be more playful and colorful. Color, color, color is best. Stay away from black and gray; it distracts from the youthfulness of your little one. Favorite toys also add a bit of fun and help your child feel more relaxed.
For family portraits, what you wear depends on whether you're more traditional or modern. Traditional portraits have everyone in the same color scheme/outfits. More modern families have similar styles (e.g., fancy casual or very casual). Whatever you are, go with what fits with your family's personality. Different shades of blue tend to look great on any skin tone.
For senior portraits, just be you! Bring props that have meaning to you. Wear outfits you feel confident in.
- For the ladies, pick out favorite accessories that represent how you want to be remembered. If you typically wear little to no makeup, wear it a bit heavier than usual so it looks natural in your photos.
- For the guys, choose two outfits. One you would wear hanging out with your friends. One you would wear out on a date. And remember to comb your hair (please?).
For engagement sessions, you don't need to match, but you will want to coordinate. If you like more traditional shots, couples tend to wear the same color scheme (this will branch into a "family portrait" type of feel). For more modern shots, go for fancy casual, but stay away from overtly distracting patterns. The setting and you as a couple should drive the photos, not your outfits.
So, best wishes! And just know, whatever you end up choosing to wear, the memories alone will make you picture perfect!